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What is finviz & how does it work?

Finviz is a stock screener that helps you find potential stocks by fundamental and technical data. Other platform features include: Some tools require a paid subscription, but the free version can be sufficient for casual investors. Finviz doesn’t offer a mobile app, which makes researching stocks from a cell phone difficult.

Which markets does finviz cover?

Currently, Finviz has access to the following US markets: NYSE, Nasdaq and Amex. If there is a ticker symbol for a stock in a market that we cover and it is not included in our database, you can request the adding of that symbol by contacting us. Are you planning to extend your service to other markets?

Is finviz free?

Some tools require a paid subscription, but the free version can be sufficient for casual investors. Finviz doesn’t offer a mobile app, which makes researching stocks from a cell phone difficult. It’s best to access the platform from a desktop or tablet with a larger screen.

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